Watch 125th jubilee Nefkens

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Watch 125th jubilee Nefkens
Not without pride I would like to introduce a project that we, Studio Willem Noyons, Ramdath Mos, Koen Streefkerk, Nick de Kruis, accomplished in cooperation. Company Nefkens nv (1200 co-operators, 30 establishments) celebrated their 125 jubilee. A year before the company associated with a foreign holding. A party or gift for the employees seemed opportune, but there has been chosen for another way.
The project: All employees received a letter in which the jubilee was announced. At the same time they received a password en entrycode and a demand for their emailadress. With weekly intervals they received emails about publications on the web, referring on the history, the association with the foreign holding, the future, and -last but not least-on the gift: a watch designed by Willem Noyons. This gift can be composed on-line to the own taste of the employee and will be handed out numbered and on name. A guestbook is added for comments. You will find the links to different pages on: This is the orderpage: a 3D-construced page with a superior reproduction.
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