Monument academy building Utrecht

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Monument academy building Utrecht
Monument to the student resistance during the Second World War, which partly took place in the Academy Building.
The text on the monument:
In de nacht van 12 op 13 december 1942 staken de studenten Gijs den Besten, Frits Iordens, Geert Lubberhuizen, Anne Maclaine Pont en Rutger Matthijsen de hierachter gehuisveste studentenadministratie in brand om te voorkomen dat de bezetter van de gegevens misbruik zou maken.
Which translates to:
On the night of the 12th to the 13th of December 1942 the students Gijs den Besten, Frits Iordens, Geert Lubberhuizen, Anne Maclaine Pont and Rutger Matthijsen set fire to the student administration which is located behind this wall, in order to prevent the occupier from abusing the data.