Lighting Utrecht City Theater

Tags corporate
Disciplines glassrestaurations / reconstructionsinterior
Lighting Utrecht City Theater
Construction finished in 1942 at one of the most beautiful places in the city on the Singel. Dudok is famous for his careful detailing and shaped the smallest parts of the building to his own design. For this theater he designed special lighting ornaments for the lobbies and the stairway. The ornaments were most likely manufactured in Leerdam. They consist of metal parts which support the glass pieces. The glass pieces are blown in various techniques and are partly hot formed. Over the years, the ornaments became dirty and glass parts were damaged or lost.
In 2011 Atelier Willem Noyons completely disassembled the ornaments, cleaned them, revised connecting parts, adjusted some parts, restored metal parts and reconstructed glass parts. Using the original production techniques the complex glass elements were reproduced in different factories. Also a set of spare parts was produced. Once again the ornaments brilliantly illuminate the theater.